A week with Go Programming Language  

Just about a week ago, I start to learn Go Programming language.
I create this repository and start to make some log of practicing. Just watch below talk about how to learn new things.

I think 20hrs is a good threshold. Yes, it will not make you a profession, but it will help you overcome the first frustration. And if you still have passion after first trying, there will still have other challenge point in future.

For me this time, I learn Go Programming Language. Due to it’s really similar to C/C++, I learn it really well. From Learn to Learn, I agree the quote:

A lan­guage that doesn’t affect the way you think about pro­gram­ming, is not worth knowing.

  • Alan Perlis

Go help me to learn the error handling and concurrent programming. I just learn how to create pool of goroutines, the performance in my script is truly amazing when considering its clean and simple code. Go really make concurrent programming really simple.

After first exciting contact with Go, I expect to spend more hours to dig the data from Aozora. I will try mecab and try to do TF-IDF. Maybe I can try to make a search engine to the collection of novels and truly understand the idea in the hard way.


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Today I am not in a good status. I try to auto-generated a detail webpage for each stickers. I put some images and some customized information to sell the stickers. What most important is that, I add Disqus at the bottom of webpage.... Continue →