Domain Forwarding & Copy-to-clipboard

Oh, long time no see.

Recently not much update in website design. I buy one more domain name for it, and try to make two domain in separate functionality. Now I use as personal website, and use OBMSHOP as e-commerce website.

It’s kind of experience to handle with Nginx. And dealing with it let me get much familiar with domain and IP. Lots things are meant to be learn by doing.

Previously I try to dig more from Sinatra and MongoDB. I use these for Front-end and Back-end. It’s really interesting experience. But I hope I have time to try more Front-end widget such as node.js and RoR. Hope I have more time. Because next thing I want to try is Android APP. Hope I have time.

And tonight, I have another request. Copy-to-clipboard. I forgot I get this request before or not, it’s not easy. It’s very easy in IE, but not easy in modern browser. And much more difficult to do it at android & iphone.

Most of it, use ZeroClipBoarded as plugin. It works great but it need flash. This article shows four options to do it, including one without CSS. I haven’t try it, because it looks not intuitively to me. But it’s worth a try.

There’s many thing to do in my plan, just need time.


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