Finish “Ruby under a microscope”

It’s really exciting to me to finish reading this book. It gave many new knowledge to me, in each chapter. I really appreciate Pat’s great effort in writing this book. The description is really helpful and clear. I really enjoy reading this book. Highly recommended.

I already think about next move. I think I will try to finish all the English translated chapter of Ruby Hacking Guide . And then I will try to select some chapter in original Japanese website. Although the compiler engine is changed since Ruby 1.9, there should exist some jewel in it. I will try to dig some out of it.

One reason is that I have some interest in Garbage Collection. And I notice that implementer of Ruby Garbage Collection is writing a book for it. ガベージコレクションのアルゴリズムと実裝 . I have interest in it, but I have no confidence to read all Japanese technical book, also in new field. But I want to try it. So I will try to read some articles of Ruby Hacking Guide first.

One thing always haut me for years is that I do have some interest in trying something new. But I cannot create or find something interest thing to do for project. This time I still interested in Ruby source code, which is quite different from crowds in nowadays to create mobile apps or website for startup or to demonstrate the capability as “Full-stack Engineer”. I do have interest to give out something for skill demonstrate, but what attracts me is always “algorithm”, data structure, multi-thread, or (this time) Garbage Collection.

Nevertheless, I should listen to my heart, try it. This path is not easy, but, it’s my interest.


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Good tools

I decide to take the challenge, 通訳案內士試験, which the first exam will take place in the end of August. There’s many thing need to study and the time left little to me. But I still want to enjoy the study and want to use some tool I know to... Continue →