Finish “Ruby under a microscope”

It’s really exciting to me to finish reading this book. It gave many new knowledge to me, in each chapter. I really appreciate Pat’s great effort in writing this book. The description is really helpful and clear. I really enjoy reading this book. Highly recommended.

I already think about next move. I think I will try to finish all the English translated chapter of Ruby Hacking Guide . And then I will try to select some chapter in original Japanese website. Although the compiler engine is changed since Ruby 1.9, there should exist some jewel in it. I will try to dig some out of it.

One reason is that I have some interest in Garbage Collection. And I notice that implementer of Ruby Garbage Collection is writing a book for it. ガベージコレクションのアルゴリズムと実裝 . I have interest in it, but I have no confidence to read all Japanese technical book, also in new field. But I want to try it. So I will try to read some articles of Ruby Hacking Guide first.

One thing always haut me for years is that I do have some interest in trying something new. But I cannot create or find something interest thing to do for project. This time I still interested in Ruby source code, which is quite different from crowds in nowadays to create mobile apps or website for startup or to demonstrate the capability as “Full-stack Engineer”. I do have interest to give out something for skill demonstrate, but what attracts me is always “algorithm”, data structure, multi-thread, or (this time) Garbage Collection.

Nevertheless, I should listen to my heart, try it. This path is not easy, but, it’s my interest.


Now read this

Web Design for Mobile view

Recently I focus on algorithm practice. These two days my boss suggest me to support another layout for mobile viewer. I haven’t try it before, but quick search in Google and Stack Overflow showing that it’s possible. Just need to try... Continue →