Front-end JS Framework  

Front-end Javascript Framework.

I am not front-end guy. When I was asked about the experience when building the commercial website, I replied that basically I focus on back-end.

The work I do in my job are focusing on C/C++, C# (last job) and some script in Ruby/Tcl/Bash. I do have some experience when building webpage using Joomla/PHP, Sinatra/Ruby and Martini/Go. In my experience, the framework is not that hard to learn, the hard part is Javascript framework and UI framework.

Bootstrap is easy to learn. But how to use it beautifully, many other things need to learn. Need prototyping, layout arrangement and maybe also illustration and art design (of course, out of my ability) .

Recently three framework is released.

Angular 2 looks good. Again with Google support. But still on development stage.

Polymer is now 1.0 and its official page shows really easy usage. Add GoogleMap really easy. Sorry I am lazy guy and not a professional designer. Adding more feature and integrating things really attractive to me.

The third is React. I gave it a try. It sucks. Sorry. Again, I am not front-end guy and only mediocre programmer. After I read some review article, I started to understand that it’s not providing exciting feature like Polymer, its purpose is build a more easier platform than HTML DOM. Ok. I am not the target.

But some other thing I found. React Native.

I gave it a try. It’s amazing!! Maybe because I just start to learn to create iOS app by course on iTune. To lively update the page is quite interesting to me.

I like beautiful interface. Everybody does. But somehow my so far experience have no chance to invest more time building one.

All above is kind of TODO list. I don’t want to learn all in depth. But at least need to walk through the tutorial and maybe setup one or two pages.

Actually my clean page for Hacker News maybe a good example for React. It should actively update the page when the download data is updated. Hope I will get surprised.


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