Start new website for LINE Sticker 3rd-Party seller

I start to work with my relatives who host online business provider. Recently I start to start to work with them as Software Engineer. And I focus in LINE Sticker business currently.

Previously, whenever LINE publish new stickers, our teammate will generate snapshot from mobile or from LINE official site.

Last week I start to use Ruby+Nokogiri+Sinatra to automatically generate one customized Pinterest-like webpage from LINE official site. By using Nokogiri, I can retrieve all sticker public information in few seconds. And I add some webpage attributes like CSS and some javascript plugins to make the site more human-friendly.

I use CSS to generate Pinterest-like webpage and use simple javascript and search box for dynamic filtering. But the problem is that, user need to load all sticker before browsing. And half second may lose one possible customer, I think I need to improve it.

I start to load the data into database, and set some limit to amount of sticker in one page. I consider for infinitive scrolling with auto-loading. It’s cool but not quite helpful. Because by using search box, user can quickly find what he want, other than “infinitive” scrolling.

I currently using CouchDB. I generate one demo to load data from database. But when I do some survey, CouchDB is kind of slow and not the first choice. First choice should be MongoDB. But I hear some projects is finally transfer from MongoDB to others. But I think spend some time to get familiar with MongoDB should not be wasteful. And then I think I will try Cassandra then. And see what’s the difference between this three DBs.

I still need to do some survey on Disqus. Search box and comment board are two features where LINE official site do not support, yet. As on-line 3rd-party seller of LINE sticker, I think provide these two feature in our website should be attractive.

Hope everything continue to go smoothly as last week.

Good Luck!!


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