
I spend another night to transfer to Nginx.
The result, very bad. And frustrated.

Tonight which gave me very good learning that server administrator is not easy. It really takes many time to try-and-error, to find the right config rule writing, and during it, plenty of obstacle.

I really don’t want to think about it any more.

I just start to read the book for Meteor. Just start it, but it’s really worth it. I will keep going to share some experience during reading.

I may need some time to figure out how to establish new backend member arrangement system. I think it should be a good experiment to use Meteor for it. Hope I can learn as fast as needed.



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Recently I create this blog. The start point is that I found the discussion thread in Hackernews. What source code is worth studying? I like this thread. Because I have desire to learn more about coding. One way is to code more, which I... Continue →