Recently I am reading SEARCH INSIDE YOURSELF.

I like this book. I personally think I am not positive person. And because I am not, I am try to learn it on my own. Apart from this book, I like Positive Psychology class from Harvard University. I still not not fully watch all the videos, but it still very good. And so far it is good enough for me. I will digest and then try more in my down time.

Back to the title, and the Book.

One practice is that author recommend people to imagine future. I hear this practice before. But the difference is, he suggest one to imagine next five years in PERFECT pace.

I think this practice is some kind of Law of Attraction. It will let me to imagine how thing will going well in future. In the path I expect.

I will keep trying. Everything I try will gain something. Including my own Faith for life.


Now read this

Life-long journey

Long time no back to this blog. Last article was published five years ago and most of themes I wrote were about programming. Two years ago I married with lovely cute girl and now I have my boy more than one year old already. Time flies.... Continue →