Learn, Learn, Learn.

At Night.

I have plenty of books and articles need to read. I want to try Haskell, Lisp, Elixir, and node.js. I want to learn and try functional programming. I expect there should be many surprising and learning to me.

Every time I saw there’s something new module or framework related to my favorite language, I want to try. Every time I saw some front-end theme, I will think to try it for my personal website.

But time is limit.

I have books related to Japanese, French, Literature and other common knowledge in my room. But I have to spent more time in coding and watch movie and Japanese drama. All the thing I mention is interesting to me. But I realize that there always exist ‘priority’.

From doing and learn in hard way, I feel more confident. I know more perspective what I saw in classic books before but not understood. To me, I need to learn it by doing.

I believe I am in the right path.


Now read this

Good tools

I decide to take the challenge, 通訳案內士試験, which the first exam will take place in the end of August. There’s many thing need to study and the time left little to me. But I still want to enjoy the study and want to use some tool I know to... Continue →