
Today I do many things, and plan even more.

I create one page in my website. Link. This link will trigger every time to retrieve the article in baidu forum. It will get the article title list in the page first, filter out non-sense and extract useful article I want. And then do another connection to get the real novel contents.

At first I thought that Ruby+Nokogiri is fail to extract the mega html page. And I found that it can use Python to get that. But I just correct the script and successfully to get the contents using all Ruby script. It’s really good feeling to me to done that way.

But most important today is that, I plan and schedule to solve each problems in Cracking the coding interview and LeetCode. I found that computer science students in China will go over and over again to practice their coding interview skill. I try that in last year, but not iterate enough.

I think it’s time for me to do that again.

It looks kind of lots thing in the next few months. But it should be fine. I will continue update to the Github. For CC & LeetCode.

Just make it.


Now read this

Domain Forwarding & Copy-to-clipboard

Oh, long time no see. Recently not much update in website design. I buy one more domain name for it, and try to make two domain in separate functionality. Now I use as personal website, and use OBMSHOP as e-commerce website.... Continue →