
Recently I create this blog.

The start point is that I found the discussion thread in Hackernews.

What source code is worth studying?

I like this thread. Because I have desire to learn more about coding.

One way is to code more, which I will do in daily life.

But it’s also helpful to learn from others. I can read book, blog, or more directly, code.

But there’s tons of code and projects there. But I have limited time. And this thread looks good to me.

My first read is @marijnjh works for JS1k. It’s interesting to me. It gives me the idea how to use function array just for shorter function name storage. I don’t know this usage before!!

The second one is one coding game - Untrusted.

Just into level 14. It’s also interesting to me. I think game will encourage me to solve the problem. And learn code by gaming is really exciting experience to me. And I love the difficulty of this game to make me enjoy it. Recommend!!


Now read this

ReadFile vs Readln

This weekend I try to expand my book page with more novels. To do it, I need to update TF/IDF database and insert the novel table. This time I try to make my previous mecab.go can run on my Linode 2G node. I try to use ulimit and and try... Continue →