
Dream On

Page 3

Douban crawler

Just as I mention in previous article, I extend my program to get datas from Douban site.

I start to collect some user data from group member list. It’s not hard, just need to wait for some interval because of timing-out protection mechanism. I got 21000 user datas after try few groups. It’s enough for me.

Another one is Movie data. I plan to get all the favorite movie from current users. I still try the ugly html. I think it’s good time for me to practice rescue keyword of Ruby.

I still need some test to see if I got robust script or not.

Still have many thing to do. And want to practice d3.js for display the relation of user and movie. And then, maybe try some impressive.js.

I saw there exist one website is using impressive.js for web design. Really impressive!! Maybe I will try to create one. :)

  • Kala Kuo

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Last night, I finished the transaction page support.

Add model to Mongodb, new add/edit UI page, and integrate with user and sticker model. I think there’s tiny feature to be finished, and then I need to refurnished my website.

College told me transform the webpage into company page. I think it can be similar to my profile page.

But during the running last night, I think I will start to do some fun playing with Douban Movie data. I like this site and I think I really enjoy dig some treasure among the club and other users.

I will try to collect some quite amount (may ten thousand movies and users) and try to have fun with data visualization. Maybe some machine learning or something. But before that, I think I will try to have some interesting playing then try machine learning.

I really enjoy reading Coders on Work. I like the masters’ opinion. They all have some interesting...

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Learn, Learn, Learn.

At Night.

I have plenty of books and articles need to read. I want to try Haskell, Lisp, Elixir, and node.js. I want to learn and try functional programming. I expect there should be many surprising and learning to me.

Every time I saw there’s something new module or framework related to my favorite language, I want to try. Every time I saw some front-end theme, I will think to try it for my personal website.

But time is limit.

I have books related to Japanese, French, Literature and other common knowledge in my room. But I have to spent more time in coding and watch movie and Japanese drama. All the thing I mention is interesting to me. But I realize that there always exist ‘priority’.

From doing and learn in hard way, I feel more confident. I know more perspective what I saw in classic books before but not understood. To me, I need to learn it by doing.

I believe I am in...

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Return to Sinatra.

It’s surprising to me, too, that I eventually continue to use Sinatra as framework of my site.

Maybe the speed of Meteor.js is not impressive enough to me, but the other reason should be that, Sinatra is more acceptable to me. In the expression syntax and mechanism structure.

I continue to expand OBM Site. I add favorite function. I found bootstrap is truly useful in many ways. I start to use glyphs and tooltip. Both are very instructive in responsive and expression way.

I think I like to generate some elegant site. Knowing I have no design gift, I learn myself to get good use of Bootstrap and Bootswatch. It’s really interest to generate good look of page. Enjoy it.

One other thing I learnt is that, the data structure or scheme is really important. Given a problem, to quickly provide a structure and UML will be very strong power in developing startup site. I think I start to...

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Try Meteor.

I try to clone my previous site using Meteor. More specifically, I learn Meteor by reading Discover Meteor and try to build a site.

Discover Meteor is a good book, I just read 1/3 of it. Even it have some plugins is not updated, the book explain the idea of Meteor very clearly. I personally recommend this book.

But by learn something in the hard way is never a smooth task. I try to have something changed to update with current plugin. Like to replace router with Iron-Router. It’s not easy. The syntax is different. But because Iron-Router is appeared more positively maintained, I choose to get familiar with it. After some struggling and try-and-error, it comes out good to its functionality.

So far what I think most important needed feature is CSS file management. Because it’s highly related to the layout, it’s should be more manageable. I think it should be higher priority, in...

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I spend another night to transfer to Nginx.
The result, very bad. And frustrated.

Tonight which gave me very good learning that server administrator is not easy. It really takes many time to try-and-error, to find the right config rule writing, and during it, plenty of obstacle.

I really don’t want to think about it any more.

I just start to read the book for Meteor. Just start it, but it’s really worth it. I will keep going to share some experience during reading.

I may need some time to figure out how to establish new backend member arrangement system. I think it should be a good experiment to use Meteor for it. Hope I can learn as fast as needed.


  • Kala Kuo

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New route proxy using Nginx

I still not sure what’s the proper terminology is.

Just install blog using Ghost, and here’s the result - 光へ.

Originally, I use Sinatra from Ruby, for website and domain routing control. Although it looks good in first, the internal is static website, it’s not good for routing control. I change to Nginx for dedicated route proxy. To do that, I need to setup some redirect setting for original.

I thought Sinatra should be good framework for startup or small website, but it’s not flexible. Nginx is good at flexibility and it will reserve the possibility for node.js application for future.

After this change, I think I should reserve one or two days to check the stability. And then I plan to replace the homepage to Meteor.

First trying is using meteor-boilerplate. Because I am not familiar with node.js, I still need to scan over many document. I find that meteor is integrated with M...

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Second Monitor.

Just got another monitor - EIZO EV2336.

I like to have additional monitor. Previously I always force myself not to spend more money on it. But when I spend more time coding, I think it should be a reasonable invest. And it will give me more enjoy experience.

I plan to use one as reading. Vertical - For PDF, or web browsing. Another one is Horizontal, for coding.

Happy to have new toy!!

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Website beta with Auth system


Recent days I finished first beta version of website.
I use Mongodb with Sinatra, using tag for grouping, and with simple auth system(hand-crafted).
I plan to add “Add to Favorite” button in each Stickers and save for each users. And add auto-loading to get rid of paging.

I try some auth like Warden for Ruby. But no matter how I search, I always get script example for class model of Sinatra. But I use classic one. So I try to hand-made one.

I am not designer. So during creating this website, I always need to spend more time in finding some useful and elegant template. Of course I want find someone to work with, but, it need some fortune.

At the meantime, I find that Meteor maybe interesting for me to try. It’s easy for quick startup. But the problem is, I think I need more time to get familiar with Node.js. I am interested in it from last year and spent...

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Recently I am reading SEARCH INSIDE YOURSELF.

I like this book. I personally think I am not positive person. And because I am not, I am try to learn it on my own. Apart from this book, I like Positive Psychology class from Harvard University. I still not not fully watch all the videos, but it still very good. And so far it is good enough for me. I will digest and then try more in my down time.

Back to the title, and the Book.

One practice is that author recommend people to imagine future. I hear this practice before. But the difference is, he suggest one to imagine next five years in PERFECT pace.

I think this practice is some kind of Law of Attraction. It will let me to imagine how thing will going well in future. In the path I expect.

I will keep trying. Everything I try will gain something. Including my own Faith for life.

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